Wednesday, March 04, 2009

More Birdy Pics

White-breasted Nuthatches look very dapper. They are always on the move, however. They pick up a seed and flit away to the trees to indulge. Their movement as they go down the side of a tree resembles a climber repelling down a rocky cliff: a short, jerky, controlled fall. The only time I've seen them stationary for any length of time is when the Blue Jays give a warning squawk. Every other bird beats it for the woods, but the Nuthatch (usually hanging upside down on the side of a tree) will freeze.

"So many to choose from."


Shelley said...

Great photo of this busy little guy!

JihadGene said...

Dapper is a great way to describe him, alright!

GUYK said...

I don't have near the b irds that I had last year. Could be because of some feral cats running at night and maybe because last fall we took out some big oaks that some were nesting in. But I still put the food out and we still have enough to manage to eat it all