Monday, August 20, 2007

Oh boy, this'll be fun! (NOT)

I drove up to the Bolt Hole this morning and met my buddy Mark. He did a hell of a joob stacking the firewood and we have somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 or 16 face cords for the winter.

While we were in the yard schmoozing he told me to go look in the barn. Here’s what I found:
Wasp Nest
A Wasps’ Nest

Yeah, it deserves the capitals. The Thing is almost a foot in diameter and is perched on the inside roof of my barn. It wasn't there a week and a half ago. As I stood in the doorway, the wasps/hornets were zipping past to add even more to this monstrosity. Sure am glad I've had my allergy shots. I'm going to try and take this sucker out with some spray and a loooong pole as soon as it gets dark.

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