Thursday, May 22, 2008

Cats are back to normal*
*Whatever that is fot a cat.

For the second consecutive morning I was up at 5 AM today. yesterday it was due to concerns over the cats. Today...who knows?

After they got their shots the Tuesday, the cats--all three of them--became as moribund as the New York Mets' offense in Atlanta. Chester and Shadow plopped down to sleep and barely moved from noon Tuesday until Wednesday afternoon.

I was really concerned about Chester because he actually felt warm to the touch, didn't want to get off the couch even for food, and could barely be teased into opening his eyes. I felt I might find him curled into a cooling ball of fur Wednesday morning.

Shadow, too, acted totally out of it, although not nearly as badly as Chester. She would occasionally shift from couch to recliner, but slept the better part of 24 hours.

Julie, the old girl of 7, was off her stride a little but not nearly as much as the younger pair.

When they did eat, they (can't pin point which) would go down stairs to te basement and throw up.

We were concerned enough to call the vet to find out if this was normal behavior. She said to give them another 24 hours and if they hadn't returned to normal to bring them back to the office.

By bedtime last evening (Wednesday), all three were back to normal. Which is a good thing because I imagine putting them into their carry cages would have at least brought out the vocal portion of their nature.

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