Thursday, April 12, 2012

Aerie Report, April 12, 2012

Yesterday's weather was...interesting. The temperature ranged from 29 to 39 degrees and we had a steady breeze of about 15 mph coming out of the west-northwest that brought wave after wave of snow, sleet, and hail (pea-sized little ice pellets) all of which melted shortly after achieving landfall. Oh, and there was the occasional break in the clouds that permitted a view of blue sky and sunshine--though those were usually very, very brief.

I was glad I spent some time on Tuesday to put the lettuce and beet seeds in the ground. The moisture from what is sometimes called "onion snow" should cause them to germinate sooner rather than later. Especially since the temperatures under ever increasingly sunny skies are supposed to be 58 on Friday, 65 on Saturday and 75 on Sunday.

I felt yesterday's rawness warranted burning up the remaining wood stacked in the garage in an effort to take the chill out of the house and, perhaps, contributing to global warming. Turned a lot of lights on too. The old incandescents, though the curly bulbs do seem to produce some heat at the base.

Not much else going on at the moment. I'd blame the cats since their internal alarm system seems to have gone bonkers. I keep trying to remind them (particularly Shadow) that 5 AM is not an appropriate wake-up time. I'd much prefer 6:30 or 7, but that (not so) little black daughter of Satan just can't seem to grasp that. Her brother, Chester, steps in whenever Shadows voice begins to fail. Julie? She's the first down the stairs and to the feeding area when the door opens, but she lets the two larger, louder and bigger cats do the waking up. Eleven-year old Julie just supervises.

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