Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Went to cast my primary ballot this morning while I was down the hill. The town rec center/meeting hall/voting hall is just across Route 6. I was the 29th voter at 10 AM (polls opened at 7 AM) and the only one there when I arrived so I was out numbered by poll workers 6 or 7 to 1. It wasn't until after I left that I realized that no one asked to see any ID as the law now requires. That's not a big deal under the circumstances. In a small town like ours most folks know one another and in a group of 6 or 7 poll workers, hell, there's bound to be at least one who knows who the heck you are!

The first time Terry and I went to vote after we moved in, we had our driver's licenses and registration cards in hand when, before we had said anything, one of the woman at the table announced, "These are the Fabers who just moved in on Connelly Mountain Road." She was the township secretary and had seen (but not spoken to) Terry at the Post Office. The post mistress had told her all about us.

Small town America! Ain't it grand?


On a totally different front, Tim Hutton beat out Jody Stahancyk in Portland's faux Mayoral Madness contest. Jody's attempt to get Mr. Hutton disqualified on non-residency issues failed. She lost the election due to the rather rabid fans of Mr. Hutton.
Timothy Hutton 57.31% (5,391 votes)
Jody Stahancyk 42.69% (4,015 votes)

Thanks to those of you who took the time to cast your vote(s) for Jody over the course of this most unusual Mayoral Madness event.


Rev. Paul said...

"The post mistress had told her all about us.

Small town America! Ain't it grand?"

That reminds me: how are Jim Bob and Mary Ellen enjoying married life?

joated said...

I'll let you know when Terry gets back from gossip central...a.k.a. Curves.