Friday, July 20, 2007

On the road in Baltimore

Terry and I left the Aerie this morning to drive to Baltimore, MD to visit with our son, Rick. Rick is working in the city parks with a group of three youths in a summer program designed to give the kids a job cleaning up and maintaining some of the parks and educated them at the same time. The kids work three days a week and go on field trips two days. The recently went to the sewage treatment plant and to a turf farm.

Terry and I drove down Route 15 to I-81 to I-83 to I-695 before stopping in Pikesville. Rick met us there and drove us int the city for dinner and a short tour. I'm glad he did the driving. First, he seems to have learned a good deal about the city during the stint he did last summer and the few weeks he's been here this year. And, second, driving in this city would drive me nuts. (Of course, driving in any city drives me nuts.) The congestion, signage, and apparent suspension of rules would have me looking for a BIG bottle of scotch or Grand Marnier at the end of the day.

We'll be going to the National Aquarium on the Inner Harbor tomorrow.

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