Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Cat Behavior

I have to say that the cats have been very well behaved with the Christmas tree all set up. Aside from drinking some of the water from the stand and maybe chewing on a piece of tinsel or two, they have shown remarkable constraint. Julie has seen a tree before but for Chester and Shadow this is something new. Shadow has a habit of chewing on plants (and plastic) while Chester likes shiny sparkly things in general. I had visions of them really doing a job on the tinsel and ornaments. Perhaps if they weren't all cloth ornaments they would be more interested.

Oh, and Chester and Shadow are back to normal today. Like a pair of preteen siblings, they've been fluctuating between arguing and ignoring one another.


Anonymous said...

You are familiar with the Hemingway quote, "One cat just leads to another." ?

We started out with one and are now up to nine. I think Hemingway's grand total was 30 before his death.

I digress. But our cats haven't paid much attention to the Christmas tree once it's up, either. They do like to get in the ornament storage boxes during the putting it up phase but that's about the extent of it. So I suppose we're each lucky in that regard as there are plenty of pics of cats in Christmas trees out there on the Internet.

Now if we could only teach Max, the big black/white tomcat, to stay out of the sink when company stops by for a chat and coffee at the kitchen table. He just wants to join in, but some of non-cat-owning visitors don't understand that behavior.

Rev. Paul said...

Our cats have ignored the tree this year, in contrast to all Christmases past. The smaller of the two still likes to pull individual strands of tinsel out of other decorations, but they've both been content with sleeping under the tree - at least until the presents prevented their ingress.