Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Windy night and day at the Aerie

I was going to comment about the continuous wind here at the Aerie (one of the reasons there is a planned wind farm for the ridge above and to the east of us) but then I was looking at the blogs over at AccuWeather and saw this headline from the Mt. Washington observatory: 122 MPH Wind Gust and Record Breaking Cold!

I would have to say that he wins.

Our winds were only in the 20-30 mph range and the temperature never fell much below 20 degrees. And that was an improvement over the 8 degrees or so we had yesterday morning.

Global warming indeed!

UPDATE: I took a ride up the top of the ridge and through sections of the Tioga State Forest. There was virtually no wind up there compared to what we have just 150-200 feet from the top of the ridge. And since the wind is coming from the southwest--which is where the ridge is as it runs from the northwest to the southeast--I don't get it. We should be on the lee side of the ridge and protected from the wind.


Rev. Paul said...

That's what the old farmers used to call a "lazy wind." It won't take the trouble to go 'round; it goes right through you!

Anonymous said...

Hang on to your hat!

GUYK said...

Out in Western Oklahoma and Texas a 20mph wind is normal..hell, when the wind don't blow you miss it!