Thursday, April 30, 2009

Aerie Weather: Back to the fridge

It's really quite amazing but temperatures that just a few short weeks ago would have been very comfortable now feel bloody chilly and down right cold. I'm talking about the high of a mere 60 degrees we had today at the Aerie. (The low this morning was just 40 degrees.) Being overcast, gray and windy all day didn't help either. Of course, the reason it feels cold is we've turned all the thermostats off and would prefer they stay that way until next October. The log walls hold what ever heat we generate from cooking, respiring, etc. and glass on the northwest facing end of the house picks up the late afternoon sun (if it does shine). A cold rain started to fall around 5:30 PM, stopped at around 7 PM and may reappear for an hour or so later tonight.

I managed to get outside this morning to plant the lettuce, spinach and some more bush beans. It was chilly and the wind was short, the type of weather in which no self respecting black fly would be flitting about. Which was fine by me. Heck, I even watered the newly planted seeds it was so nice to be bug free. (Remember, this was early this morning and rain was a long way away...if at all.)

Oh well, the sun will come out tomorrow afternoon (they promise) and the temperature will get back up to around 70 degrees. Then the rain returns tomorrow night. *sigh*

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