Is Michael Jackson buried yet? Is the Michael Jackson Death Spectacular over? If so what is the next Big Thing for the tabloid cable news stations to harp on 24/7 while excluding/ignoring the demise of America As We Knew It?
I've been watching lots of NCIS on USA Network in the afternoons/evenings. I tend to do that. I'd much rather watch a marathon of episodes than have to wait a week to see the next show. Since around July first they have had ads for the movie Bruno. From the trailers used in the ads I have only one thing to say: barf! How did this piece of trash ever get made--by anyone? I never understood the making of Borat! either. Not my kind of humor.
Still do NOT wish to talk about the Mets.
Global Warming failed to catch on--perhaps because it had reversed course a decade ago--so now it's Climate Change. Not there's a name and a cause everyone can identify with. But first, please, identify "normal" for me. What is the "normal" climate supposed to be? If there is a "normal" climate, please explain glaciation and ice ages. While you're at it, please explain the observed fluctuations in the form of El Nino and La Nina.
And don't get all hissy about CO2 for Gaia's sake. Instead, go outside and play in the sunshine and then tell me what causes warmth.
Please, Watts Up With That?
I see from reports that Obama is still considering a second stimulus package. Why not! The first one has worked out so well. Thank goodness, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid may ve seen the light. Reid Slams Door on Second Stimulus, as Obama Leaves Options Open
In the past year Governor Sarah Palin has been subjected to 15 ethics complaints (make that 16 as a new one has been recently filed) and exonerated in all 15. Still, defending against these BS complaints has taken her and her staff away from the daily duties of governorship of Alaska. She has become a lightening rod of insane activists from the press, the left, and the Democratic party (but I repeat myself). And I do mean "insane" as defined as doing the same wrong thing over and over again hoping for different results. Although, it seems to me, the purpose of these frivolous complaints has been to tie her and her administration in knots and in that they have succeeded. THAT is the reason she is stepping down.
By removing herself from the position of Governor and out of the state's leadership role, she knows the state will be able to get back to business as usual. Additionally, by removing herself from the governor's office, she frees herself to defend against rumor, libel and malice that has been invoked against her and her family.
I sincerely hope that President Obama, the constitutional scholar that he is, understands our Constitution--the one he has sworn to protect and defend--better than the Honduran Constitution by which that country's Supreme Court ordered the arrest of their president when he attempted to force a violation of said document. (Obama's Oxymoraon and In Russia, President Obama Explains His Support for Ousted President of Honduras by Fausta)
There's a lesson to be learned there, Barry. Do not ignore it.
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