It might be a first. The weather dudes got it right. They called for rain late in the night and sure enough it started to sprinkle around 4 AM. And then--as they predicted--it continued though much of the morning. We even had some thunder in the distance to go along with some heavier precipitation. Then, just as suddenly, it stopped raining and the sun came out for a couple of hours. Now there's a threatening sky in the distance and it may--or may not--rain again this afternoon. If it holds off, I may have to go out and do some of the chores I've planned as the chances of precip tomorrow and Tuesday are still bouncing around the 50-50 mark.
The temperature for August 10th is a remarkable 65 degrees (when the sun is out). That's a wee bit low for the southern Adirondacks.
UPDATE: It's 4 PM and there's more thunder and rain. I believe I'll go take a nap if I can. The sound of rain on a tin roof can be deafening.
May the rain you hear be comforting.
We're experiencin "fall" weather right now in Michigan - we were in the low 60's yesterday and today in northern mich.
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