Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I been sick

For a little two weeks now, I've been battling some sort of low grade infection that has played havoc with my sinuses and my sleep. There's been no fever to speak of, just the feeling of hot coals behind my eyes and a general flushedness, if you catch my drift. (I feel like I have a fever, but there's no warmth there.)

I was supposed to go to New Jersey with Terry last weekend for a baby christening and a special surprise 50th birthday party for her cousin. Not wanting to spread my germs about to people who might be even more susceptible, I stayed home while Terry went n her own.

It doesn't feel like it's anything serious and may be just a flu-like bug but it's really starting to annoy me no end. Despite dosing myself up with antihistamines in an attempt to control the flow of fluids in my sinuses, there seems to be no stopping the membranes in charge of production. Like congress and spending they seem to know no bounds.

Sitting up I have only minor difficulties with sinuses draining in a post-nasal kinda way. Occasional bouts of sneezing are interspersed with very few coughing jags that seem focused in the throat and not in the chest area. (Which is good. Having gone through the walking pneumonia crap a year and a half ago, I'll pass on a repeat, thank you.)

When I lay my head on the pillow, there's a rush by all the mucus in my body to occupy the sinus cavities in my head and produce a blockage that could only be compared to the morning rush on the GW Bridge on a very bad day. Nothing is moving much except from side to side as I toss and turn while trying to breath. I normally do not mouth breath and when I must, everything gets dry. Which merely packs that mucus even tighter.

My tossing, turning, sneezing and wheezing gets Chester's attention and he starts his alarm clock routine at the bedroom door. Even though it's only 3 AM. And he won't shut up.

Finally, since sitting upright may be my only chance to breath, I get dressed and go down to meet the demands of the pride of cats. Who, once fed, curl up and go soundly back to sleep while I continue to wheeze and sneeze even in a vertical position.


JDP said...

I feel your pain, I just spent a sleepless night for the most part due to a bad head cold. This is the second one in three months and between both of those I had the flu. I hope we obth get to feeling better and get some much needed sleep.


Erica said...

Dude! Time for you to hop your azootik on an Iditarod and get your heiney to the doctor, because methinks there are some kinds of things that may need to be addressed with the help of an antibiotic.

I had a similar thing a few years ago and turned into some seriously bad bronchitis which would not go the hell away until I saw a doc.

Of course, I'm being selfish, because I just want you to be well enough in time for the hurry up and take care of that danged thing.

joated said...

Don't worry, I'll be there. I figure there will be sufficient antibiotic on hand to sterilize the premises and render everyone safe.---From germs, I meant from germs!

Anonymous said...

what erica said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!if you went a week ago, you'd be better now......... "Chooch"

(italian name for stuborn individual)

Joan of Argghh! said...

Load up on some decongestant to go with the antihist. That's the only way I survive the hay fever stuff that always feels like a punk-ass cold that never grows up and leaves home.

Get better!