Saturday, March 20, 2010

Iditarod Report, March 20, 2010 10:40 PM EDT

Well, Jane Faulkner has crossed the finish line in Nome leaving just Scott White and Celeste Davis out on the trail and they should be in Nome in an hour or two.

White had all sorts of difficulty getting his 7 dogs to head out of Safety for the final 22 miles. He finally had to walk them out after spending over 12 hours at the checkpoint. They followed his lead and finally realized it wasn't that bad an idea to head for Nome and the end of the trail.

Davis is now some three miles behind White and both are on the final approach. If it were night time, they could see the lights of Nome ahead. Even during the day, they can probably see the town in the distance.

This is on course to be the fastest Red Lantern in Iditarod history. The previous fastest Red Lantern was 14 days 5hr & 38 min.

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