Wednesday, March 03, 2010

One down. One to go.

Got a molar yanked this morning. Kind of enjoyed watching the young dentists strain to get the tooth out. ("You've got some good bones there!" he grunted.)

Almost two hours later and there's no very little pain.

Tylenol, soft foods, gargle with salt water, yadda, yadda.

With luck this will heal up quickly and I'll be ready for round two next Tuesday.

1 comment:

Rev. Paul said...

Doing them one at a time? My recent experience with a wisdom tooth & two molars at the same time left me not wanting to ever do that again. I rarely have any long-term pain from an extraction, but this 3-at-a-time deal had me on oxycontin for over a week.

I recommend against it, so you're doing well.