The answer would be, “No.” But I did get more than two cups of raspberries and blueberries from the power line right of way and our second driveway. To harvest that much required a little bank climbing and some stooping (the blueberries are wild low bush huckleberries) and some fighting with the tougher blackberry canes. Still, it will be worth it. Terry will use them as the topping for a buckle. (That’s coffee cake with fruit on top.)
In a week or two I should be able to go back to the blackberries and harvest enough for some jam or jelly. I’ll need to bring a bigger bucket for that, however. The canes are loaded with berries. Come to think of it, I might have to bring my .44 Mag Redhawk, too, that pesky bruin might want to contest the ownership of those black berries.
1 comment:
Yep. .44 mag or an M242 Bushmaster 25mm chain gun for da bears.
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