Tuesday, July 08, 2008


So, I made the trek down and retrieved the brush hog (and refilled the Tundra's gas tank at $4.20 per and an extra 4 gal for the machines: total $80--ouch!).

When I got back to the Bolt Hole, I got myself a sandwich, unloaded the beast, fueled it up and spent an hour behind it knocking down brush left, right and center. Runs sweet! There's lots more to do but it was the hour between noon and one and I was soaked with sweat after just one hour. The temperature was around 83 and the humidity must have been right around that level if not higher. Feeling light headed I came inside for some cold water a few asprin and a nap.

I can understand why folks in the southwest and into Mexico like their siestas and why "manana" isn't such a bad word after all.

Like GuyK (CHARMING, JUST CHARMING), I'm practicing my Espanol...just in case.

Things have cooled off a bit and I'm feeling rested (maybe foolish, too) so I'll be heading back outside to chase the brush hog about some more. At least it makes enough of a racket to keep the bears away. (Terry, back at the Aerie, says one came in and took out ALL of the bird feeders last night and then nibbled on some of her herbs. I think the bear knows when I leave and she is alone. It likes to tease her.)

Talk to you later. Vaya con Dios!

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