Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Road Trip 2010: Day 56 (pt. 2):
The Fraser Fort George Regional Museum

Now for the pictures I owe you for our day in Prince George visiting the Fraser Fort George Regional Museum and the Museum of Railroads and Forestry.

First, the Fraser because I didn't really take many pictures there. The special exhibit dealing with gene research didn't lend itself to photography. Although it was an excellent discussion of the subject, it was just spread out too much and...well...a discussion.

I did mention that I liked some of the First Nations material.

A small bag with beadwork

Birch bark basket held together with spruce root.

Birch bark basket

More examples of birch bark baskets.

Please excuse the slight fuzziness of these photos. I shot them through the display case glass, inside without a flash, and with my camera being hand held. Frankly, I'm surprised they came out as well as they did.

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