Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Yet another cold (18 degrees), snowy morning here at the Aerie. At least the winds have died down to calm. The Clipper that swept through Chicago yesterday is passing to our south and we on the northern fringe are scheduled for no more than 1-2 inches of fine powder before it wends its way out to sea. There's some hope for a thaw with temperatures surging above the freezing mark all the way into the 40s once this system passes. Still going to be int he low teens tonight however.

I'm reminded of a trip my church youth group took to Holland, Michigan back in the mid to late 60s. It was over the February school break and we were in town for three of four days. It was gray and overcast with an inch of snow every day we were there. When we asked about the weather we were told it had been that way since mid December and was expected to be exactly the same through the end of March. They didn't need a weather forecaster as they simply used the same forecast day after dismal day.


Zoooma said...

Sounds like a bitter cold morning there in PA. Bitter cold for that part of the country, that is. Here in central Alaska we've had snow on the ground since mid-October. In the past almost 2 months there've been maybe only a weeks worth of afternoons above freezing. At 0° it's not as cold this morning. Almost balmy!

joated said...

Jeez! I'm getting bone chills just reading your comment Zooomabooma!

Time for a hot choclolate and some Robert W. Servce poetry.

Editor said...

looked through your blog and really enjoyed it. have a wonderful holiday season.

joated said...
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joated said...

Uh, ZooomaBooma, just where in Alaska are you? The weather in Anchorage today was exactly the same as here in north-central PA. High in the low 20s and light snow. Tonight's forecast makes it colder her than in Anchorage.

If you're at Fairbanks, well, yeah it's colder there. By about 15 degrees or so.