Friday, December 21, 2007

Aaah. Yes.

You Might Be a Fredhead If... by Frank J at IMAO

A partial list of the qualifications: think a Senate majority leader who constantly tells us how things are doomed while a war is still ongoing needs a good bitch-slapping. think it's great if a murderer finds God, but that doesn't mean he should be let out of prison. think America's sovereignty is kinda important. think anyone who talks about how the rich aren't "paying their fair share" is a whiny little Communist.

..."great hair" is low on your list of presidential requirements. think someone didn't draw those border lines on a map just for fun.

Go check out the rest and read through the comments ‘cause there’s lots more there. Just beware, there be trolls about.


Erica said...

Harry Reid needs to be hit in the head with a golf club.

joated said...

I like the comment that says it depends upon which bitch you slap him with.