Monday, February 04, 2008

February 5, 2008

Tomorrow is Tuesday, February 5, 2008 and we all know what that means don’t we? No, it is not just Super Tuesday, damn it!

It’s Pancake Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday, or Fat Tuesday (officially known as Mardi Gras). It’s the day marks the beginning of the Lenten Season which starts on Ash Wednesday. It’s the last day of Carnival. The final chance to blow off steam, eat drink and be merry.

Now I’m not much of one for all that partying to excess of Carnival, but I do like me some pancakes. Nothing like a nice stack with melting butter and real maple syrup or strawberry preserves and a cold glass of milk. MMM-mm good!

Lent starts with Ash Wednesday and we’ll be forswearing meat on that day and every Friday through Easter as per Terry’s Catholic upbringing. (I was brought up in the Protestant Dutch Reformed Church where it was okay to eat meat…but hey, she’s the cook. And a damn fine one I might add.) We’ve already got some salmon in the freezer and Terry’s talking up Friday’s Church dinner for their fish plate. Cod, Haddock and Shrimp will be on the menu sometime during the next forty days. I think I can survive that even if there're no planks around for the salmon to be done outside on the grill. (I’ve also got to get the propane tank refilled.)

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