Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rainy Day... the Northern Tier of PA, the Southern Tier of NY and on up through the 'Dacks.

With heavy rain, thunderstorms and strong winds forecast today. The AccuHunch crowd said an inch or more was not out of the question. So...I opted to stay one more night at the Bolt Hole rather than haul the ATV on an open utility trailer to the southwest--the direction from which all the nasty was coming. It would take me 4 to 4 1/2 hours to drive home and I just didn't want to 1) get caught in a torrential storm while in route or 2) arrive home and have to unload the trailer in a monsoon.

Terry said it started raining at the Aerie around noon. It started here (the Bolt Hole) around 1 PM. There was more thunder and lightening there than here but it has rained fairly steadily and--at times--quite hard for the last 8 hours.

It will stop over night (they say) so I'll be loading up to go home tomorrow morning. Meanwhile I've got a small fire going in the wood stove just to keep the chill and damp off.

Nice lazy day of some minor house cleaning, web surfing, reading and crosswords. And a couple of beers and a frozen pizza.

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