Thursday, December 20, 2007

"Fortnight Of The Undead"

An enjoyable [?--maybe not the best word to describe it, eh?] account of the doings at the UN Conference at Bali. Take a few minutes and read the whole thing. Monckton is no fan of Anthropogenic Global Warming or those “zombies” that practice its voodoo science and he lets it show in this report:

VISCOUNT MONCKTON'S INSIDE STORY ON THE BALI CONFERENCE or Fortnight Of The Undead By Christopher Monckton in Nusa Dua, Bali

Monckton managed to get to Bali despite attempts by the UN’s higher council to keep him and all other dissenters away from the conference. The UN had no problem with protesters—as long as they were the right kind of protestors, namely those who wanted action now to halt global warming, vilify the US, or redistribute the wealth of the developed nations to their liking. But I repeat myself.

Here’s a question. If the science behind the scare is as certain as the zombies say, why are they so terrified of a few doubters? Google me and you’ll find hundreds of enviro-loony websites, such as Wikipedia, now an international music-hall joke for inaccuracy, that call me a fraud (for writing about climate science when I’m not a climate scientist), a plagiarist (for citing learned papers rather than making up scare stories), and a liar (for saying I’m a member of the House of Lords when – er – I’m a member of the House of Lords, though, being merely hereditary, I don’t have a seat there).

They don’t like any dissenters but Monckton, for some reason, really gets their goat.

You’ll find precious little science on the zombie websites. They specialize in global whingeing ad hominem, rather than scientific argument ad rem. The frenetic personal assaults have become so self-evidently ludicrous that I’m getting an increasing number of emails from people who have first heard of my work from the Kool-Aid slurpers and have gone on to find, to their surprise, that the peer-reviewed science to which my climate papers politely draw attention does suggest that the Holy Books have exaggerated both the influence of Siotu over temperature and the consequences of warmer weather.

Aye, there’s the rub! He is continually looking behind the curtain at the Wizard. He is constantly mentioning that the Emperor hasn’t donned all his clothes. And neither the Wizards, nor the Emperors like that sort of scrutiny. And more troubling for them (the Wizards and the Emperors), is that Monckton is often on the mark.

One more:

The zombies seem listlessly incapable of checking even the most elementary facts. Take Yvo de Boer, the UN archpriest at the conference. He made an impassioned speech saying that the sceptics had had their day and that everyone now accepted that, for instance, the island nations of the Pacific were facing an imminent threat from rising sea levels. Er, no. Corals have been around for 275 million years. They’ve survived temperatures up to 7 degrees Celsius warmer than today’s. And has it never occurred to the poor sap to wonder why, after a rise of 400 feet in sea level over the past 10,000 years, the sea has – by some startling coincidence – exactly reached the surface of all the coral atolls?

No, it’s not a coincidence, because corals grow to meet the light. They can outpace at least ten times the Holy Books’ high-end estimate of sea-level rise, which is anyway down by a third since just six years ago. We know this, because the mean centennial rate of sea-level rise since the end of the last Ice Age has been – get this – at least double the high priests’ highest estimate of future sea-level rise. Nine-tenths of the land-based ice sheets of the world have already melted. There’s so little left that even if it began to melt (which it won’t) the rise in sea level would be very, very slow.

Anyway, go read his entire report from the front.

(Noticed over at the Anchoress’ place a couple of days ago.)

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