Friday, December 21, 2007

More of these stories please.

Why is it that you don’t hear many stories of these performers?

Robin Williams, Lance Armstrong in Kabul

KABUL, Afghanistan -- Robin Williams and Lance Armstrong took a swipe at the French, Kid Rock strummed "Sweet Home Alabama," comedian Lewis Black grumbled about the falling snow, and Miss USA told the troops to keep "kicking butt."

Williams, Armstrong and company have already performed in Qatar, Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan and will perform in Kyrgyzstan and Europe before returning home.

A big “Thanks” to all the performers who take the time to travel with the USO and put on shows to entertain the troops.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Maybe if more of us bloggers wrote more about these stories with the same sense of outrage and urgency we felt when NBC wouldn't air that commercial a few weeks ago, we might hear more about good stuff like this.