Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Presidential Elimination Process

Wherein Stephen Bainbridge explains why he’s not voting for Mike Huckabee.

I don’t agree with everything he’s written here but I do agree with his decision. No way could another Governor of Arkansas, particularly one as clueless as Huckabee get my vote. (Nor will I be casting a vote for the former Governor of Massachusetts or Mayor of NYC. Both Romney and Guliani are a little to left of where I want my President to be when it comes to immigration, taxes, the war on terror, and the 2nd Amendment.)

The only candidate who sounds like he knows what he’s talking about and who has definable concrete ideas that form a solid platform (not that they won’t get changed once the real work starts) is the one the MSM keeps saying is “lazy” or “slow to catch on” or “not really trying.” And that one is Fred Thompson.

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